We Can Help With Featured Snippets

One of the best ways to get your website and content clicked on for a search query is having your content featured in Google’s featured snippet box. According to a Moz.com article, “Ben Goodsell reports that the click-through rate (CTR) on a featured page increased from two percent to eight percent once it’s placed in an answer box, with revenue from organic traffic increasing by 677%.”

So it is definitely valuable, but businesses struggle with it because there’s not a formula to getting content placed in the featured snippet and that placement can not be bought. But Group501 can help your business with that.

The digital landscape is saturated with content, so producing original and relevant content is key to improve a piece of content’s chances to land itself in the featured snippet because: less unique and basic content about almost any topic already exists on thousands maybe even millions of websites, so competition to earn that spot is very high; and, the more unique content is the better the chances original content will have a unique string of keywords people use to search for, so there’s a new window for opportunity to get it in a featured snippet box.

So how does one make unique content to get in the featured box? Carefully use and chose precise keywords in a number of blog posts and landing pages, but make sure each piece is unique. This helps to improve your site’s authority because it looks like that keyword is important to your site or business, and it signifies that your site/company/business has a lot to do with that keyword because the same group of words don’t keep appearing in the same article with those keywords. It makes sense. Google is a lot more likely to trust a website that talks a lot about car parts to choose for the featured snippet about a wrench, than a website that has the word wrench on it a few times.

Also, it is much more likely that a piece of content wind up in the featured snippet box if it is talking about facts, but in a unique way. There are three types of content that appear in the featured snippet box – links, paragraphs and tables, so next time there is an opportunity to write about something, consider presenting factual information in a different way. Can that data be compiled and presented in a list? Is there already a featured snippet that shows up in paragraph form – could that content also be put shown in a table as well?

It is a little daunting for a company to think about the number of ways to improve their rankings in search engines when that is not their forte, but that is why we are here to help. Group501 will maximize your company’s social and digital presence in a smart and cost effective way and you will see results.

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